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Guitar, Vocals


Guitar, Vocals




Bass, Vocals


Guitar, Vocals

Former Members:
   Bruce Edwin Stacey II (Sep 2010 - Oct 2011)
   Kaylin Ferguson (Aug - Sep 2010, Oct 2011 - Jan 2013)

The Band


Fate of Our Own started in the summer of 2010 with no name and a different line up. The band was formed to open for Drowning Pool but due to complications they began to outstretch their range and open up other opportunities. Since the start of the band a few members broke off; Kaylin Ferguson (guitarist, vocalist) left the band to form another, Zach Buren (guitarist) was dismissed along with Harley Frantz (bassist). Nick Ordich (drummer) and Isaac Champ (vocalist, guitarist) called upon former bandmates Trent Diddle (guitarist) and Ray Campbell (bassist) from a previous punk style band called Survivors of Society (Campbell, Champ, Diddle, Ordich, and Tate) to aid in the creation of the band. The only thing needed now was a frontman..but who? Bruce Edwin Stacey II was the answer to that question. Fate of Our Own was complete and ready for anything. 

FOOO started their touring in the summer of 2011 with their first show at the Beaver Local High School Variety Show placing 2nd and released their first Studio Demo, "I Plead the 4th" in early August 2011.

In October, Kaylin Ferguson was brought back into that band as frontman due to Bruce leaving the band to start his college life. Bruce played his last show at DevilsNight3 on October 29, 2011.

FOOO kicked off their "Fate is Sealed" Tour on April 1, 2012 with Kaylin performing his first full show at Chrome Nite Club.

In January of 2013, FOOO became a four piece due to Kaylin's departure from the band.

Towards the end of 2013, former Motion Sickness member, Nick Richardson, joined as vocalist/guitarist/bassist.

In late March the band announced an upcoming debut album was in the works and was being recorded with long time friend, Dylan Mays (Chaos Reigns) at Tilted Head Productions. Within the next few months it was stated that the album would b
e called "NOBODY CARES" and was due to be out in early Fall 2014.


Fate of Our Own's debut album, "Nobody Cares" was released on September 19, 2014.


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